Male Infertility

Assessing The Causes

Investigations carried out by a family doctor or a specialist clinic can provide a clear diagnosis of male infertility in most cases(although no test can predict with total accuracy). Because The sperm characteristics required for ‘normal’ fertilisation are well known, any abnormal results from a sperm test will suggest a male problem. These tests, which are carried out on a semen sample can reveal abnormalities in sperm numbers, movement and shape.
In recent years, specialist infertility clinics have also used in vitro fertilisation as a diagnostic test. Very often, healthy eggs fail to fertilise in the laboratory because of abnormal sperm function. Failed IVF therefore can provide more conclusive evidence of ‘male factor’ infertility.

Causes Of Male Infertility

Causes Of Male Infertility

For men the most common cause of infertility are:

Functional Problems

Functional problems may be due to the following

Sperm Problem

The sperm related abnormalities which tests might reveal are:

All of these conditions have their own scientific names also.

Hormonal Problems

The cause of infertility is not always apparent. In many cases, both partners can appear to be fine, but still there’s no pregnancy, this is known as unexplained infertility.
If someone has an obvious, serious reproductive condition, it is often easier to diagnose and treat the probable cause of their infertility. Ironically, mild problems may be hatter to identify and resolve, particularly if there are several minor factors that combine to influence fertility.

Hormonal Problems

Although not a common cause, sometimes the pituitary gland, located underneath the brain, doesn’t send the right messages to the testes. This results in low testosterone levels, which means that sperm are not produced.

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